Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day and the Mallard Ducks

Today for Mother's Day, my husband took me out for dinner and then we all went to a park. We were enjoying throwing a frisbee, throwing a football, picking flowers, and just running around, when a family of Mallard ducks wandered across our path. The parade was led by Daddy Duck and then about four feet behind was Mommy Duck and six Ducklings (one of them is hidden in the grass, so you can only see five). The Dad was forging the path, making sure that the way he led his family was the safest possible. He turned them away from the road, avoided the people, and headed toward the lake. Every so often, he would turn around and snip at and squawk at the Mommy Duck, Mommy Duck was patiently sticking with her young ones who had shorter legs and couldn't keep up with Dad. The whole thing made me laugh. It was a good picture of how family life works...each parent has their role, established by God, and when they work together, the family is complete, safe, and happy.
Here I am, the "Mommy Duck" with my four ducklings. I am so thankful for them and for the Husband God has blessed me with.

The boys...being boys: wrestling, throwing the football & frisbee, and running around like crazy...

The girls...not interested in catching the ball or frisbee...the flowers in the field are much more interesting (and less likely to hit them in the face)...


Melissa E. said...

I like that picture of the ducks!

On our way to Ukraine, in an airport, we passed a family. Actually, we passed the wife, who was keeping pace with the children, who weren't keeping pace with the dad. She walked past us and complained kind of loudly to "Michael", the husband, that he was leaving them behind.

Steve and I recognized ourselves in the situation and laughed to each other. "Poor Mike." he said.

"I was thinking the same thing", I said..."except I was sympathizing with Mrs. Mike instead!"

Glad you had a nice Mother's Day!

Saragarms said...

Love that you added "and less likely to hit them in the face". It is very true. Anyway, glad you had a good moteher's day. See you soon.

Anonymous said...

I just love the picture of the girls at the end. It's my favorite. Love Aunt Ham