Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Our Garden

I've wanted to have a garden for a few years now, but it just wasn't practical. But now...it is. So, after much sweat, and a lot of help from my children, and a lot of wheelbarrows of stones removed by my husband...I HAVE A GARDEN!
We worked on prepping the area on Sunday. Then Monday morning, the kids and I went and bought some dirt and plants. Each kid had a plant request. They worked hard with me, so I was happy to let them each pick something out. We have planted: Strawberries and cucumbers at the request of Hannah, tomatoes at the request of Jay, watermellon at the request of Daniel, and more strawberries at the request of Julia. At my request (haha) I also planted peppers, cantalope, basil, cilantro, mint, and oregano.
I'll keep you posted on the progress of our little garden.

Oh, the ugly light brown spot is the remains of a stump. John cut down a tree to make room for the garden. Next year the stump will be completely gone...


Steph said...

I LOVE IT. Congratulations on finally getting your garden. :) I am giving up on mine for this year... I feel like I have had to ask for too much lately.

Melanie said...

yummm.....can't wait for the rewards!

Melissa E. said...

Great!! you will love having a garden and the kids will too!